Bar onboard Klaipeda-Kiel ferry
Na palubě

Bary na trase Klajpeda–Kiel

Bar onboard DFDS Athena Seaways ferry


Navštivte na své plavbě do Německa některý z našich barů. Naši přátelští barmani vám pomohou vybrat si ze široké nabídky nápojů, abyste se mohli uvolnit a naplno si užít plavbu. V našich barech také najdete televizory s velkou obrazovkou, na nichž budete moci sledovat sportovní přenosy či hudební programy. Cesta tak pro vás bude ještě zábavnější.

Couple in bar onboard Klaipeda-Kiel ferry


Navštivte při plavbě do Německa náš prostorný bar a vychutnejte si svůj oblíbený drink z široké nabídky nápojů. Hosté v našem baru mohou na velké televizní obrazovce sledovat také oblíbené televizní programy, sport či hudební koncerty.

Friends drink coffee on Klaipeda Kiel Route
Man at the Lighthouse Café

Relax with a cup of coffee at Lighthouse Café

This is a lighthouse leading to good coffee on the ferries Klaipeda-Karlshamn! In cooperation with the well-known Lithuanian network Vero Cafe, we offer a very wide selection of coffee in the café, and every season we surprise with unexpected offers of exclusive coffee flavours.

Let yourself not be in a hurry and enjoy the exclusive aroma of coffee, accompanied by a perfectly matched snack.

Friends onboard Klaipeda-Karlshamn

Onboard Klaipeda-Kiel

Sail between Lithuania and Germany and enjoy access to an array of fantastic onboard facilities, including restaurants, shopping and more. 

World Travel Awards Nominee 2024

Vote for DFDS as the World’s Leading Ferry Operator 2024!

After being crowned ‘Europe’s Leading Ferry Operator 2024’ at the World Travel Awards earlier this year, we are delighted to announce we are now in the running for the World title.

Our deepest gratitude goes out to our employees, passengers, and partners for their continuous support and loyalty. Without you all, this nomination would not be possible. Your journey is our passion.

Cast your vote today and help us achieve this global recognition once again. Thank you for being part of our success story!

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