Useful links related to UK border control
<a href="https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/business/calculation-customs-duties/what-is-common-customs-tariff/taric_en" target=_"blank">Customs Tariff of the European Union (European Commission)
Customs Guidelines for France / French exporters and importers
<a href="https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/taxation/vat/vat-rules-rates/index_en.htm" target=_"blank">VAT rules of the European Union
How to import goods from the EU into the UK through roll on roll off (RORO) locations after Brexit.
How to export goods into the EU through roll on roll off (RORO) locations after Brexit.
You need to take new steps to export meat and dairy to the EU
Q&A: Your top Brexit questions answered
What changed when the UK left the EU on December 31, 2020? What's done to avoid congestion and slow check-in at ports? Do unaccompanied trailers require a Security & Safety declaration?
Read the detailed answers to all your questions on how to best prepare your business for UK border control.
Are you a freight ferry customer?
Access the Brexit checklists for the DFDS freight ferry customers on:
Are you an exporter/importer of goods?
View the Brexit checklist for exporters and importers working with DFDS.