Share Buyback 2023
DFDS has decided as part of its capital structure and distribution policy to launch a share buyback of up to DKK 300m.
The buyback is structured as an action process giving shareholders the opportunity to sell their DFDS shares back to DFDS should they so wish. The offer period will expire on 21 February 2023 at 16:00 CET and the share buyback will be completed on 27 February 2023.
The share buyback is subject to the terms and conditions of the offer document dated 10 February 2023 which can be downloaded below.
Aktietilbagekøb 2023
DFDS har som led i sin politik for kapitalstruktur og udlodning besluttet at igangsætte et aktietilbagekøbsprogram på op til DKK 300 mio.
Aktietilbagekøbet er struktureret som en auktionsproces, der giver aktionærerne mulighed for at sælge deres DFDS-aktier tilbage til DFDS, såfremt de måtte ønske det. Tilbudsperioden udløber den 21. februar 2023 kl. 16.00 og den endelige afvikling af aktietilbagekøbet sker den 27. februar 2023.
Aktietilbagekøbet er underlagt de vilkår og betingelser, der fremgår af tilbudsdokumentet af 10. februar 2023. Tilbudsdokumentet kan downloades nedenfor.
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Access to this website and the documents available herein is limited to:
- Persons resident in Denmark; and
- Persons resident outside Denmark, the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa and any other jurisdiction in where it would be unlawful to access documents relating to a share buyback initiated by DFDS A/S, including an offer document.
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