DFDS Logistics Division has started using biofuel for our own trucks in Gothenburg.
From Tuesday last week, our 70 trucks, which service Volvo Cars and Volvo Trucks flows, went fossil fuel-free by filling up with HVO (hydrated vegetable oil) instead of the usual diesel.
“In addition to this, we decided to use HVO for our 55 forklift trucks in the Gothenburg cross-docking terminal, says Henrik Ageflod, General Manager of logistics services in Gothenburg.
“Volvo has the industry’s highest standards, even as regards the environment. And as they asked us whether we could start using biofuel for a limited number of trucks serving for one of their flows, we thought we would try to go all the way in one go and try to make an agreement for the supply of HVO for all of our trucks and forklifts. And even though availability of HVO is rather limited, and many want it, we succeeded in getting a contract with fuel supplier PREEM who guaranteed the supply of HVO at the same price as diesel – and without the less environmentally friendly palm oil,” says Henrik.
Step by step, transport and shipping companies like DFDS are reducing their environmental impact by reducing fuel consumption and using cleaner fuel for ships and trucks. “And It feels good to do something as concrete as this for the benefit of the environment and to live up to the high standards of customers like Volvo,” says Henrik Ageflod.