COVID-19 update: Keeping your business moving
For customers of our freight ferry services
Check the latest travel restrictions as follows:
- Travelling to UK: https://www.gov.uk/uk-border-control
- Travelling to Denmark: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/rules-and-regulations
- Travelling to the Netherlands: https://www.government.nl/topics/coronavirus-covid-19/visiting-the-netherlands-from-abroad/checklist-entry
- Travelling to Germany: https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/visa-service/EinreiseUndAufenthalt
- Travelling to France: https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/covid-19-international-travel
For customers of our logistics services
DFDS’ logistics division will continue serving our customers as today and do our best to mitigate the consequences the situation has on our services. We will continue working with you on ensuring the efficiency of the supply chains to ensure as high delivery standards as possible in this extraordinary situation.
Keep yourself updated
We will continue monitoring the situation and update this site as soon as the situation changes. We recommend that you look at our website regularly for updates.
We will also continue doing our utmost to ensure our customers safe travels and safe and reliable transport of their goods and keep the supply chains operating for the benefit of our customers, and as requested by all governments.
To safeguard the health and well-being of everyone and limit the spread of the virus we are following the advice of WHO as well as national guidelines to protect our customers, partners and staff. The measures include regular washing and disinfection of hands, avoiding personal contact, keeping distance to other people, travel restrictions and other measures.
COVID-19: what measures is DFDS taking?
Check out which special procedures we have implemented on board our vessels, in our offices and in logistics services to fight the spread of the coronavirus.