
Relaxation and enjoyment along the coast
Idyllic Skagen entices with the best variant of Danish "coziness" - and with everything you could wish for for a relaxing, but at the same time rich and unique holiday along the coast. Here you will find a varied selection of activities that are about pure, sheer pleasure and well-being. Good restaurants with everything from gourmet experiences to the classic seafood Skagen is so famous for, seaside hotels with spas, cozy cafes, bustling life along the harbor, and fantastic nature, art and culture.

Spa and wellness
It is not without reason that Skagen is known for spa and wellness of the highest class. The unique tranquility, proximity to the sea, expansive beaches that invite to long walks and fresh morning baths are perfect for good spa experiences.
There are several nice beach hotels to choose from in Skagen, and all of them are a great destination both in the summer or if you want a relaxing off-season weekend. Ruths is probably the most famous, but whatever you choose, everything is arranged for a relaxing day with therapeutic treatments and massages in pleasant Danish surroundings.

A holiday in Skagen is not complete without a visit to the harbor to eat in one of the many seafood and fish restaurants located there. The local fish is often served in imaginative ways and here it is a sport to make the best fish dish, which benefits both the eyes and the palate.
In one of the iconic red and white houses by the harbor you will find Skagen's Fish Restaurant which is very popular, or you can take a trip to Restaurant Pakhuset which serves both classic and modern dishes. For a more casual dinner or lunch, you should head to Jollehuset.

Skagen from above
Opplev Skagen på en helt ny og annerledes måte med en helikoptertur! Da får du ikke bare muligheten til å se mye på kort tid, men også med et hint av action. På de ulike turene kan du blant annet se Skagens enestående kystnatur, de vidstrakte sandstrendene, gamle Skagen og ikoniske Grenen.
Helikopterturene tilbys kun om sommeren og det er plass til opptil 3 personer per tur. Velg mellom tre ulike turer, som alle gir deg et glimt av den enestående nordjyske naturen og et adrenalinkick.

With a taste for gourmet
Skagen has a long tradition of seaside hotels which over the years has created a framework for relaxing holidays along the coast, both for tourists and the Danes themselves. The seaside hotels are also known for their gourmet restaurants.
Both the historic hotel Ruths Hotel and Brøndums Hotel offer an exclusive top-class gourmet experience, made with seasonal fresh ingredients. If you want a more maritime atmosphere, you can try Håkon which is located in the old warehouse overlooking the harbor.

The harbour
In the heart of Skagen you will find the harbor with the iconic red and white houses in a row. The harbor has a completely meadow atmosphere, and is a vibrant hotspot in the summer when tourists flock to the city.
The harbor houses fish shops and nice cafes and restaurants with outdoor seating where you can sit down and enjoy a well-deserved break in the sun.
If you are a morning bird, you can join a guided tour that takes you on a historical journey around the area. The trip ends with a nice breakfast and coffee.