Motorcycling in Holland

Ride your motorbike on to one of our ferries direct from Newcastle to Amsterdam and head into Holland to experience the joy of the open road.
Holland has beautiful roads for motorcyclists. Popular routes take in broad sandy beaches along the North Sea and between cities such as the ever-popular Amsterdam and the futuristic port of Rotterdam.
Whether you want to traverse winding roads alongside picturesque dikes built centuries ago as a defence against flooding rivers, or experience the Dutch countryside by following one of the Royal Dutch Touring Club’s recommended routes, you’ll be spoilt for choice in this small but lively country.

Speed limits
Unless signs specify otherwise, the maximum speeds are:
- 50 km/h in towns and cities
- 80 km/h on country roads
- 100 km/h on the so-called "autowegen", the equivalent of a-roads – these are marked by a square blue sign with a car on it
- 120 km/h on motorways - marked by a blue sign with a road running vertically through it

Lane splitting
Riding between lanes of traffic travelling in the same direction, or overtaking stopped lines of traffic is not forbidden in Holland.
However, here are some tips for lane splitting when travelling on motorways:
- always ride between the leftmost lane and the lane next to that lane
- the difference in speed between you and the traffic you are overtaking should not be too great
- be aware of your mirrors, and let faster motorcyclists pass you

Keep right & right of way
On motorways, there is no "keep your lane" system. You must return to the rightmost lane after you have passed someone.
In Holland, traffic coming from the right has the right of way, unless otherwise stated.

Holland has the highest concentration of cyclists in Europe. In towns and cities, cyclists can swarm around you and riding your motorcycle through such crowds can be intimidating.
Be aware of those around you and pay special attention to cyclists coming from the right – they always have right of way. Many unsuspecting motorcyclists have been caught out by this, especially at night with many Dutch cyclists shunning lights.