Seenioride kruiis Oslosse
Enjoy the dinner buffet and the breakfast buffet in the Oslo Fjord. Experience fantastic views, live music with dancing or a dip in the jacuzzi - on the Oslo boat, everything is under one roof.
Treat yourself to a 2-night cruise to Oslo. The Oslo boat departs from central Copenhagen, you can relax for a while in our relaxation area with pool and jacuzzi, before getting ready for the evening's entertainment. Remember to visit our tax-free shop where we have great prices for perfume, clothes and more.
Book by calling 042-26 60 50
2 Nights Onboard
Delicious onboard cuisine
Discover Oslo
Upgrade to a premium cabin
1 x 2-course menu including 1 beer / 1 glass of wine or water
1 x dinner buffet including 1 beer / 1 glass of wine or water
2 x buffet breakfast in 7 Seas restaurant
Kõik väljumised on kohaliku aja järgi.
Pange tähele, sõidugraafikud võivad ilmastikutingimuste tõttu muutuda.

Külastage Oslot
Norra pealinnas on palju näha ja palju teha. Oslo, mida nimetatakse ka kultuuri- ja looduspealinnaks, asub Oslo fjordi põhjas. See on põnev linn, kus on palju vaatamisväärsusi ja rikkalik ajalugu.
Viking Biking pakub jalgrattarenti 20% soodsamalt Tutvuge Osloga jalgrattal. Viking Biking pakub jalgrattarenti 20% soodsamalt, näidake lihtsalt DFDS Seawaysi pardakaarti.
25% allahindlust Nobeli rahukeskuse külastamisel Moodne ja interaktiivne Nobeli rahukeskus tegeleb tänapäevaste teemade kajastamise ja käsitlemisega. Kui esitate sisenemisel DFDS Seaway pardakaardi, saate pileti 25% soodsamalt.
*The offer applies to a minimum of 8 people and for departures Sunday-Wednesday. For departures from Thursday-Saturday there is a weekend supplement.
The offer only applies to new orders and cannot be combined with other offers and discounts. Reservations for sold-out departures and cabins.NOTE: Please note that ETS tax will be added to bookings with departures in 2024.

Laeva pardal
Pardal on olemas kõik, mida soovite! Kõigis hinnaklassides kajutid, restoranid ja kohvikud alates Rootsi lauast kuni gurmeetoitudeni. Nautige pardal suurepärast õhkkonda elava muusika, heade muusikute ja DJ-dega. Puhata võite ka uuel puhkealal Bubble Zone.
Ajaveetmiseks ootab teid lõõgastav ja moodne merekeskkond, kust leiate kohvikud, baarid, basseini ja mullivanniga puhkeruumi, restoranid, ööklubi, tantsupõranda ja elava muusika, mida võite nautida terve öö. Alustage õhtut kokteiliga ühes meie viiest baarist ja jätkake pika maitsva õhtusöögiga mõnes meie restoranis.

Group Trips
Ferry travel is perfect for groups. Travel on one of our packaged short breaks with your friends, your school or even your sports club!
No matter what sort of trip you’re looking for, our dedicated group travel team can help you organise it to give you exactly what you want at a great price.

Proudly named the World’s Leading Ferry Operator
We did it! After being crowned ‘Europe’s Leading Ferry Operator 2024’ at the World Travel Awards earlier this year, we are delighted to announce we have retained our title as the World’s Leading Ferry Operator.
We were also once again recognised as having the best website in our industry – scooping both the European and World awards in 2024.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who voted, and to our passengers, colleagues and partners who contribute to our continued success – we couldn’t do it without you all.