Trasa Klaipeda – Kiel – kajuty Commodore de luxe

Kajuty Commodore de luxe – trasa Klaipeda – Kiel
Kajuty Commodore de luxe sa nachádzajú na čele paluby č. 6. Sú veľké, priestranné (8 metrov štvorcových) a vybavené pohodlnou dvojlôžkovou posteľou.

Vybavenie kajút Commodore de luxe
Kajuty štandardne obsahujú mäkkú posteľnú bielizeň a uteráky, stôl, fén a skriňu.
2 guests in the cabin
1 bed in the cabin
Vešiaky na oblečenie, stôl a zrkadlo
New: Baby cots in the cabin
For those traveling with baby, we offer a new option to book a baby cot in our Commodore cabins for just 20 EUR by calling our Customer Care team if you are on Sirena, Aura or Luna Seaways; while on Regina and Victoria you can book it onboard only.
- Dimensions 128 x 65 x 73 cm;
- Suitable for kids not older than 36 months and not heavier than 15 kg;
- Material - 100% polyester;
- Together with baby cot we will supply all bedding (pillow, mattress, bed sheet, blanket);
Kajuty na palube

Onboard Klaipeda-Kiel
Sail between Lithuania and Germany and enjoy access to an array of fantastic onboard facilities, including restaurants, shopping and more.