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Valentine's Day in Kent

Apceļojiet Apvienoto Karalisti lētāk

Family on deck at sunset

Īpašie piedāvājumi, ceļojot uz Apvienoto Karalisti

Varat izvēlēties kādu no četriem prāmju līnijas maršrutiem, lai ceļotu uz Angliju. Turklāt mūsu piedāvāto ceļojumu un īso braucienu laikā varat ievērojami ietaupīt.

DFDS Winner World Travel Awards 24

Proudly named the World’s Leading Ferry Operator

We did it! After being crowned ‘Europe’s Leading Ferry Operator 2024’ at the World Travel Awards earlier this year, we are delighted to announce we have retained our title as the World’s Leading Ferry Operator.

We were also once again recognised as having the best website in our industry – scooping both the European and World awards in 2024.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who voted, and to our passengers, colleagues and partners who contribute to our continued success – we couldn’t do it without you all.

Cenas ir atkarīgas no pieejamības. Veicot rezervāciju pa tālruni, tiek piemērota papildus maksa. Tiek piemēroti noteikumi un nosacījumi.