Награды DFDS

Признание выдающихся людей
Мы постоянно признаемся как ведущий оператор паромов в мире на World Travel Awards, а также как ведущий оператор паромов в Европе – и вновь удержали оба титула в 2024 году.
За эти годы мы также получили награду Menu Innovation & Development Award for Leisure and Travel и неоднократно признавались обладателями лучшего веб-сайта в нашей отрасли – и снова получили эту награду в 2024 году.
Мы очень гордимся такими достижениями из года в год и знаем, что это благодаря нашему удивительному международному сообществу талантливых людей, которые так усердно работают, чтобы сделать ваше путешествие особенным.
Это также благодаря вам, нашим пассажирам. Мы празднуем, признавая тех, кто вносит вклад в наш постоянный успех – без вас мы бы не справились!

With you all the way
In so many ways, we don't really see these journeys as ‘work'. Being dedicated to hospitality, it feels only natural to us to do everything we can to make your experience the best it can be – to immerse you in an unforgettable journey that we share with you and cherish as much as you do. This is our home, and we invite you aboard to make it your home for as long as you’re our esteemed guests and fellow travellers.
We see it as a real privilege to travel the seas and experience the destinations we visit, and we want you to feel the same while we share these unique experiences together. We know now much they’ll mean to you, and we look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our community of friends.
It’s a genuine pleasure.

The DFDS difference
DFDS is all about the finer details that turn a really good experience into an amazing one. For us, ‘good’ isn’t good enough, so we dedicate ourselves to continuously finding ways to do things better.
Of course, your time with us is precious. From your first encounter with DFDS, throughout your journey and all the way to our fond farewells, we know how much the details matter. They are the difference.
We see our dedication to your journey as integral to a superior experience, and why we're widely established and recognised as the world's best.
And of course, making a difference will always extend to the positive social and environmental Impact we can have at every touchpoint. Because that feels good, too.